SENSYN ROBOTICS, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter “SENSYN ROBOTICS”), a company which is aiming to fully automate operations with drones focused on the areas of facility inspections, disaster countermeasures and security monitoring, hereby announces the following appointments dated August 1, 2019: the appointment of Naoaki Mashita as Chairman, Takuya Kitamura as President and Teruaki Tsukamoto as Vice President.
SENSYN ROBOTICS has continued to take on specific social issues with an imminent and pressing urgency in various fields focused on facility inspections, disaster countermeasures and security monitoring since our establishment in October 2015. We have done this by achieving the full automation of operations through the power of robotics under our mission of “evolving the ‘commonplace’ of society with the power of robotics.”
In recent years, the workforce has been decreasing due to the declining birthrate and aging population. Against this backdrop, there are growing needs in the field of robotics – including drones. Our business has also been required to undergo major changes. We perceive these environmental changes to be a great opportunity to move to a new growth stage. Under this perception, we have been further strengthening our management structure and expanding our business.
Takuya Kitamura has so far led the strengthening of our sales structure and an expansion in our business as Operating Officer and General Manager of the Sales Department. In addition, Teruaki Tsukamoto has created a foundation for the Management Department and drafted our financial strategy as Operating Officer and Director of the President’s Office & General Manager of the Management Department. They have been striving under the aim of further developing our business based on their past experience and knowledge since taking up their respective posts. Moreover, Naoaki Mashita, the former President, will continue to serve in the future as Chairman. He is engaged in the management of SENSYN ROBOTICS.
Message from Takuya Kitamura – the New President
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your exceptional support. My name is Takuya Kitamura and I was appointed President on August 1, 2019. We will continue to combine the strengths of the whole company and further promote a society with drones under our vision of “evolving the ‘commonplace’ of society with the power of robotics.” Therefore, I ask for your help with that. I asked myself what I could do for society, the world and the next generation upon observing the Tohoku region after the disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake that struck on March 11, 2011. In that process, I witnessed first-hand drones saving the lives of people and drones active in high places and dangerous places. This allowed me to strongly feel their infinite possibilities. Countermeasures against the aging of infrastructure and disaster countermeasures are challenges we are facing directly. We will strive to achieve an even better future with the power of technology. Accordingly, I ask for your continued support.
Profile of the President
Name: Takuya Kitamura
Bio: Born in 1977. Graduated from Gakushuin University. Worked for IBM Japan. After that, took the lead in launching a consulting service business at Microsoft Japan and expanded business as the General Manager in Charge of Services and Sales from 2008. Promoted a data analytical business focused on machine learning in the Business Analytics Department in SAP Japan (his previous job) from 2016. Has participated in SENSYN ROBOTICS from October 2018.
Message from Teruaki Tsukamoto – the New Vice President
We will answer the social challenges facing Japan with the power of robotics. I believe that this is our mission. For example, although there is demand for work such as facility inspections in dangerous or inconvenient environments, there is no one willing to take it on. We would like to solve such situations with our services. We will contribute through our services so that robotics can take an active role on a commonplace basis and can build an even safer and more prosperous society.
Profile of the Vice President
Name: Teruaki Tsukamoto
Bio: Born in 1981. Completed an MBA at the Graduate School of Hitotsubashi University. Worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC and DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd. After that engaged in management planning operations at Sosei Group Corporation from 2014. Transferred to JITSUBO Co., Ltd. (an investment destination of Sosei Group Corporation). There, he engaged in company-wide management, fundraising, construction of management operations for IPO and operation management as CFO. Has participated in SENSYN ROBOTICS from August 2018.
New Management Structure
The management structure of SENSYN ROBOTICS is as follows with these appointments.
Chairman & Founder: Naoaki Mashita
President: Takuya Kitamura
Executive Vice President: Teruaki Tsukamoto
Outside Director : Kohei Takami
Outside Director: Emre Hidekazu Yuasa
Outside Director: Masatoshi Fukasawa
Auditor: Shingo Manabe
Corporate Officer
Evangelist, Head of Service Planning Department: Taro Yoshii
Head of Research and Development Department: Kazuya Takahashi
Head of Administration Department: Kota Nakajima
Our mission is to evolve what is considered “commonplace” in society with the power of robotics. It is under this mission that we have continued to take on pressing challenges in regards to specific social issues in various fields focused on facility inspections, disaster response, and security and surveillance by achieving the full automation of work with the power of robotics since our establishment in October 2015.
DaaS: This is the abbreviation for drone as a service. It is possible for customers to use the drone solutions of SENSYN Robotics as services without the need to buy drones. The advantages to this include a reduction in the cost of introducing/operating drones and a release from maintenance/upgrade work.