Disaster MeasuresDisaster Situation Confirmation

It is possible to examine recovery priorities and measures to prevent the expansion of damage by understanding the disaster-affected areas and overview of the disaster after a disaster occurs. This is useful when it is not possible to fly a disaster prevention helicopter or airplane immediately and when you wish to know even more detailed information.

Benefits to Introduction

Quickly check the situation after a disaster to share information in real-time with decision-makers.

  • Simultaneous Confirmation of a Wide Area

    It is possible to control multiple drones. Accordingly, it is possible to fly in a wide area at once.

  • Rapid Decision-making

    It is possible to share video from drones with each site in real-time. Therefore, it is possible to make rapid decisions.

It is possible to check evacuation routes with drones by linking up with unmanned traffic management (UTM)

Real-time images of multiple evacuation routes captured by drones and the information of each drone are aggregated in the crisis management office

Nine drones were simultaneously controlled in a disaster drill performed under the assumption of an accident in the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant operated by the Shikoku Electric Power Company in 2019

Usage Flow

Solution design

Depends on your goal, we design the solution, calculate profitability (return on investment) and draw business model.

Technology Selection

We determine the specification for the solution (e.g., drone or camera, flight route etc.)

Proof of Concept

We conduct Proof pf Concept to evaluate technical and business feasibility.

Joint Project

We develop an automatic flight system according to your goal.

Customer success

Our customer success team support by telephone or e-mail for any troubles or unclear points that occur when you use it.

We Achieve Fundamental Issue Resolution Through
Solutions Utilizing AI × Data

Please feel free to contact us first. We will give you information on the optimal solutions to suit you.

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