360° Panoramic VRSENSYN 360

SENSYN 360 is a cloud app that allows you to manage on-site information with 360° panoramic VR. You can intuitively grasp and share positional relationships by combining drawings and 360° photographs.


  • POINT 1Save the On-site Situation in Real-time with 360° Panoramic VR and Share It on the Cloud

  • POINT 2Link and Manage On-site Information with a Detailed Position

  • POINT 3Check work orders and write inspection results with a smartphone app and write down inspection results

Image Capture and Upload Flow

Easy to use in simple steps. Always updates with the latest information.

  • STEP 1

    Image Capture

    Take a 360° camera to a site and then capture images.
  • STEP 2


    Upload the 360° panorama to the cloud.
  • STEP 3


    Access SENSYN 360 on your PC or smartphone.

SENSYN 360 Usage Flow

  • STEP 1

    Select the drawing of the area or floor
    you want to see.

  • STEP 2

    The drawings and panoramic image will be displayed. You can select the image capture points and check the surroundings.
  • STEP 3

    Places pins at points that concern you. Attach and share notes and inspection results.

Examples of Use

We Achieve Fundamental Issue Resolution Through
Solutions Utilizing AI × Data

Please feel free to contact us first. We will give you information on the optimal solutions to suit you.

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